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Sea Shore

His Light is Rising on You

Isaiah 60:1

REM is Not a Typical Church  

Remnant Embassy Ministries aka REM is a non-denominational Christian ministry. We are an apostolic hub on the central Oregon Coast. Our pursuit is to know Jesus rightly and for the body of Christ to thrive in body, soul, and spirit. REM desires to come alongside other Christian ministries and support the local community!

We are a ministry that establishes and oversees house churches
We host a prayer house that intercedes with God's heart for the region.

We facilitate deliverance and inner-healing ministry in a private and professional manner. We believe God desires for all people to be free and healthy.


We partner with other five-fold ministries and host occasional revival glory gatherings for the Oregon coastal region.

We believe God desires an outpouring of His holy glory in Oregon and that the Oregon Coast will be touched by His love and fire.

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